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The Oxford dictionary defines hope as “a feeling of expectation and desire for a certain thing to happen.”
If I desire something - “I’d love to win the lottery!” - but I have no expectation of winning, I am not hopeful.
If I expect something to happen - “Those clouds look so dark! That’s a huge storm coming!” - but I have no desire for the storm or the damage it will cause, I am certainly not hopeful.
Hope is where those things - desire and expectation - interweave.
And I believe that our willingness to engage and contribute to an outcome fuels our feelings of expectation.
Hope is an action as much or perhaps more than it is a feeling.
Many of us have decided that hope is just too impractical a thing to engage with. Life is hard. The world is harsh. Practical realities need to take precedence over wishful thinking.
But I cannot find a single example of growth or change that was not fueled by hope.
Whether international, national, community-wide, familial, or personal - if we are to grow or change in positive, healthful ways, we must be fueled by hope.
‘What do you hope for’ is not the equivalent of ‘what do you wish for’.
What you hope for is the place where you have chosen to place your desire and your expectation and your action.
The very least you can do is figure out where you have placed your desire, your expectation, and your hope, and decide if that is where you want them to be. You may want to make some new choices or you may find a rich treasure in that place.
The most you can do - and I highly recommend this! - is live inside that hope. Make it the place from which you prioritize and choose. Make it the meaning of your days and your nights.
You will find your hope a rich and rewarding roof to live under.
I wish for you all the goodness and blessings of this day,
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